Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Woman" (to) "Woman".

what do you do, when you find out who the woman is he's cheating with?
What if she doesn't know about you?? What do you do?
Instead of being mad and bitter, wanting to fight her;
take a different approach,
warn her about him...
... just like you wished someone would have warned you.
-read on, you might learn something.
Excuse me, can I talk to you for a second, "woman to woman"?....
I know your the reason why every time the phone rang he answered with a low tone,
I know your the reason why he was barely ever home,
I know your the reason I went to bed every night alone,
I know your the reason he stayed out til four,
I know your the reason why the good-bye kisses stopped, he'd quickly leave out the door,
I know your the reason our marriage fell apart
& why I carried pain in my heart.
like you I was once his thoughts for many nights, once the #"1" woman
in his life, that's where I messed up, I was satisfied with being number one, when I
should've been the only one.
No need to get defensive or bent out of shape,I'm not the type to chase. our love story long ago reached its end.
however for you? its just beginning.

Let's go through the scenario of how you two met, I bet it was a day you'll never
forget, neither could I.
He saw you, smiled, winked, and told you you were the most beautiful thing he's seen in a long time. you smiled blushed, flipped your hair, and replied couldn't have been that long. he walked closer put his arm on your shoulder and said "you have no idea", by this time you probably noticed his pecan brown eyes piercing at yours, and while you two conversed and he began to tell his lies, you couldn't help but notice a gold ring with diamond encrusted initials that read C.I. on his "right" finger?
I bet you asked what the initials stood for?
yea I knew you did, and let me guess what he said? Crushed inside?
"because he can't seem to find a woman that will love him right."
as the conversation continued
his phone rung,at the third ring he finally looked down, then back at you, asked if he can have your number and if it was OK if he called around 2?
from that day on you two began dating only able to see each other at night,
let see,...he said it was because he didn't want anyone else staring at his beautiful sight?
He said he didn't want many people around because that could ruin such a perfect night.

On the 6 month anniversary he took you to chez Pierre? or was it chez pari?
same place he took you on date # 3. after dinner he claimed he had a surprise,
you two went for a walk, as you approached the end of the street you couldn't believe your eyes, there was a mural of you two, & above it read
"will you marry me".
I love you*

by me telling you this you know where I'm getting at, your playing the same role I had just a different cast.

I'm not bitter, nor am I mad,
because at one point he wasn't just mine either to have.
I know what your thinking..."What your saying maybe true but how could I take advice from you"?
Now I'm not hating
but like you I wish the one before me would have warned me too.

you don't have to hear me but I
know your listening, you don't have to listen but I know you believe me.
Enjoy it all now because it won't last,

there will be someone new
Taking him away from you. she'll be the reason your home alone all the time,
she'll be the reason he's not by your side in the middle of the night
she'll be the reason you feel that pain which makes your heart so sore,
she'll be the reason why he's coming home at four.

It won't last, just like me you'll go from being his future to just a woman from the past.
a new leading lady will play the role you once had only but a different cast.

“Anytime a man weasels out on you, turns out he’s doing you a favor.” - Tiana for thought.

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