Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What "lies" beneath?

People will accept a lie because it's comforting,and will reject the truth all because it's unpleasant. So the question is....
Can the truth really set you free? because when it's bad it makes me runaway and makes me wish I was someone else other than me, Does the truth really set you free, when all you had was that lie keeping you safe in the first place? Can the truth set you free, when all you want is for the truth to be the lie and the lie to be the truth? Can the truth set you free when the truth will cause a lot of people pain and misery? Can the truth really set you free? if you somehow can't believe what the truth is? what if the truth is something your afraid to reveal,(mental question) when is it okay for a lie to be the truth? when the truth is the nightmare of your future destiny? Can the truth set you free? what if the truth is all you had keeping you sane? and now that it's revealed nothing else is the same? Can the truth set you free when you were holding it in to save someone else? what if it's lying that can save you and it's your last resort for help?
Some people under estimate how dangerous the truth can be?
some fail to recognize revealing the truth isn't easy
so many people stick to what "lies" beneath.
You talk about honesty and your brought up being told "always tell the truth"! "or else"! what if the truth isn't what you want to hear then what do you do? what if the truth will be the cause of some one's life on the line? and it's to late to take back the lie you said and now your running out of time, do you "truthfully" reveal that you've lied"? or what if the truth is somehow the token to a freedom you don't want? Do you really want the truth then?

"My truth"- when the truth has a good outcome the world wants to hear it everyone wants good news right? that's the good truth... what about when the truth is bad? then what? you don't want to hear it., that brings in the term "denial". the truth doesn't contradict itself, us as humans do.... when the truth is whether or not your boyfriend of 3 years got you that engagement ring or not we want to hear that.
the bad truth is whether or not he is cheating? Oh now we don't to hear that truth, so we run... we run away from that "freedom" which mentally and emotionally
we can't endure having because were too afraid to face reality of knowing "the bad truth". As humans we tend to run away from "truth" that can benefit us in life.... for example; ever hear people say "ooh I'd rather go on not knowing whether i have aids or HIV or not? But then they want to know if someone else has it?... so when the truth's spotlight isn't on you... then you want to know

"the truth is your souls armor".
It's so sad that nowadays people will hear a lie, know it's a lie, but accept the lie, all because they don't want to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I want to know what "lies" beneath,...what about you?

Tiana for thought*

1 comment:

  1. Peace to the queen i did the knowledge to your post and i have to say extravagant thoughts manifest through your fingers carried through the medium that they call the computer. Yes truth does hurt and one thing that learned through my years months and days is that Truth is confrontational and it demands change.Truth is the light that is shed on all deception and lies, falsehood and whatever energy or thought of mind that is negative and does not bring forth growth and development. Truth is also Power and brings forth strength energy and force. because it gives you the strength to have the energy to do what? Force you to come up with a decision of accepting or rejecting. anything after that justice will be served based on the act or deed that you perform after truth has been brought forth Peace
    Lord Supreme Wise Mind Allah
